Sussex County Fencing

2019 Meeting - 9 April






Present: Brian Causton (BC), Jim Whelan (JW), Will Miller (WM), Cheryl Deamer (CD), Della Bowley (DM), Maggie Maynard (MM)

  1. Apologies for absence

    1. Apologies from Gordon Mankelow and Dom Pitman

  1. Minutes

    1. The minutes of the 23 October 2018 meeting were accepted.

  1. Matters arising

    1. Matters arising were addressed in the meeting agenda.

  1. 2019-20 County Fixture List

    1. It was noted that two Sussex Favero spools are missing. Members should keep an eye out for them. ALL

    2. A draft fixture list mirroring the dates of last year should be created and presented to the AGM – this would come under the role of the new Competitions Manager (see below) CD

    3. It was agreed, regarding software entry, that allowing entries via two sites made entry management unnecessarily difficult.

    4. BC showed the committee the “Square” system, which allowed for card payments to be taken on site. The committee reiterated its policy of no late payments. However, the facility would be useful for taking payments for teams, which tend to be done on the day and involve members from more than one club, due to low turnout.

  1. Reciprocal membership arrangements

    1. It was noted by WM that fencing at multiple clubs was expensive, and yet essential for high level training. The cost, he suggested, would be a discouragement for fencers and/or parents. It was similarly noted that the cost of fencing in a competition was often a deterrent for fencers considering their first foray.

    2. The meeting discussed the practicality of having a Sussex-based discount scheme in place, where member of one club could fence at another for £5, instead of the usual visitors’ fee.

    3. WM would email clubs to see whether they were interested.

  1. Splitting the Secretary Role

    1. Members considered the current Secretary duties and agreed to split the function into three roles: Secretary, Competition Manager and Awards Manager. The functions are listed as an attachment to the minutes, below.

    2. CD agreed to take on the role of Competitions Manager, and JW agreed to be the Awards Manager.

    3. It was noted that all members should continue to contribute to the running of Sussex fixtures.

  1. Website

    1. WM noted that the website was beginning to age, and that some newer devices were resulting in unexpected behaviour in the website ticketing service. The site could not be upgraded easily because the ticketing service was now unsupported. WM proposed that a new site be created and this was agreed. He noted that some costs would be associated with this activity. In particular, a new ticketing service may not be free. After an investigation of what is on offer, WM would consult the committee on whether it wanted to retain a ticketing capacity, given the existence of Sport80 and AllEntries. (WM)

  1. Finance Update

    1. BC advised that the Union had current funds of £8204.

  1. Any other business

    1. There was a discussion of the South East epee. Members are encouraged to advertise the event as widely as possible (ALL).

    2. The committee discussed an incident of swearing on the piste at a South East Region event. The committee agreed that where such incidents were not immediately managed by the referee and were escalated to the level of a formal complaint, the committee should, where appropriate, offer support and counselling to those affected.

Will Miller

Hon. Sec. Sussex County Fencing Union






Arrange an online account with dual signatories (BC)



Email clubs about reciprocal membership arrangements (WM)



A fixture list should be prepared and presented to the AGM. (CD)



The website would be upgraded. (WM)

Apr 2019: BC provided a link to Allentries, showing how the Vet’s website had integrated.

Apr 2019: WM consulted with a Wordpress developer.


Subdivide formal Secretary roles to offer to people at the next AGM. (WM and JW)

Proposal created for discussion at the 9 Apr meeting.

Complete: Roles agreed at the 9 Apr 2019 meeting


Present a profit/loss analysis of each competition to the next AGM (BC)

9 Apr 19: BC explained that it would be difficult to unpick the profit/loss of past competitions, but would do so on a rolling basis after the 2019 AGM.


Produce a PDF of competitions and calendar. This would be put onto the website (JW and WM)

9 Apr 19: this task now comes under the remit of the Competitions Manager.


Send the competition calendar as mailshot (WM)

9 Apr 2019: A link would be sent to a fixture/info list.


Acquire a further competition level scoring box (BC)

9 Apr 19. Meeting confirmed that a Favero ARM5 model was needed.




Appendix A

Honorary Secretary Role

The Honorary Secretary has overall responsibility for implementing and monitoring actions agreed by the committee. Specific roles (which can be delegated) include:

  1. Setting-up committee meetings – agreeing date; venue; preparing agenda; and confirming attendees.

  2. Taking minutes of meetings; circulating to committee for comment; revising as necessary; maintain copies of minutes; and monitoring agreed actions.

  3. Recording details of decisions via electronic communication.

  4. Collating, preparing and circulating material for AGM; maintaining copy of Constitution, and amending as per any revisions by EGM.

  5. Generally first point of contact for general enquiries and queries from public and official sources, and communicating more widely with the fencing community.

Honorary Competitions Manager Role

The Competition Manager has responsibility for fulfilling all activities of running competitions, including as necessary assigning and monitoring tasks, as follows:

  1. Preparing fixture lists, and liaising with the Publicity Officer and Website Manager to publicise events.

  2. Sourcing competition venues and organising the provision of the required equipment.

  3. Preparing Health & Safety and Risk Assessment for competitions.

  4. Checking-in entries at competitions.

  5. Where necessary, forwarding any cash or cheques received to Treasurer.

  6. Maintaining County Competition Box (First Aid, Rule Book, Floor Tape, Clipboards, Pens/Pencils, Stopwatches, Referee Cards, Weights, Brasso, Piste Numbers, Blue tac etc)

  7. Managing planning of Sussex Open.

Honorary Awards Manager Role

The Awards Manager is responsible for awarding prizes, trophies and medals, and tracking results in the region.

  1. Collecting signature and contact details of winners of trophies awarded, and contacting following year to ensure trophy is returned.

  2. Awarding trophies and medals as required.

  3. Preparing list of winners and adding to master spreadsheet of Competition Results.

  4. Forwarding lists of results to web-manager for loading onto website.